Saturday, October 1, 2011

fall into fellowship

Just an update on the Beach Fellowship as we enter into fall. The weather has certainly been unsettled so far this season. So, starting October 9, we will have a backup available on Sunday mornings in case of inclement weather. We will keep the main objective to have services on the beach as the weather permits through the end of the month, but will also utilize the Christian Conference Center as a backup. If we have to move indoors, someone will be on the beach to direct latecomers to the Conference Center. Starting in November, we will move permanently into the Conference Center until late Spring of 2012.
As we enter into the “off season”, we just want to encourage you with the words of Paul to Timothy, that we be found faithful “to preach the word, in season and out of season…” We are continuing in our Sunday study of the book of Hebrews which is very challenging, but essential as we mature in our faith. And at our Wednesday evening Bible study, we meet at 6pm for dinner at the Harrell’s house, and then continue in our study of 2 Corinthians.
There is going to be a special women’s night out on Monday, October 17, at 6:30pm which we are calling Fall Into Fellowship which will be hosted at Patty McCarthy’s house. All women of the church are encouraged to attend. Dinner will be provided, followed by a brief word of encouragement. Please call or email for directions or more information.
It’s going to feel like fall on the beach this Sunday, October 2, so dress accordingly. Hope to see you there.

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