Wednesday, February 24, 2010

God has a name

God has a name and His name is Jesus Christ. God is His title. Jesus Christ is His person. John chapter one says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word WAS God. A couple of weeks ago we studied the statement by Peter in 2 Peter 1:1 which says, “…by the righteousness of our GOD and Savior Jesus Christ.”
That’s why it’s so important to teach and preach salvation by Jesus Christ alone. “There is no other name given among men whereby you must be saved.” Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except by Me.”
Practically everyone, unless they are an idiot, believes in God or a god. But there is only one true God. That is why Paul when on Mars Hill debating the great Greek philosophers said, “ I see you are very religious in all respects, for as I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship I found an altar with this inscription, To an unknown God. The God who made the world doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands.”
What now? To simply believe in God isn’t enough. The devils also believe and tremble. We must believe in Jesus Christ and be born again as Jesus told Nicodemus. As Jesus was raised from the dead, so we too must be raised from being dead in our trespasses and sins into a new life through the Holy Spirit. Old things are passed away, and all things become new. If Jesus is the way and the truth, then we come to know Jesus by the truth. The Bible says that Your Word is truth.
Peter vouches that the Word is truth, because he and the Apostles were eyewitnesses to His glorification. “But”, says Peter, “false prophets arose among the people…. And because of them the truth will be maligned.” What he is saying is that sin never approaches us as sin, Satan never comes to us as Satan, sin always comes to us as pleasure and Satan always comes to us in the name of God. Error never comes to us as error, error always comes to us as truth...but it isn't.

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